맥 OSX 를 클린설치 (DiskMaker 로 USB에 자동으로 담기)

맥 OSX 를 클린설치 (DiskMaker 로 USB에 자동으로 담기)

DiskMaker X (formerly Lion DiskMaker) is an application built with AppleScript that you can use with many versions of OS X to build a bootable drive from OS X installer program (the one you download from the App Store). As soon as you launch the application, it tries to find the OS X Install program with Spotlight. Then, it proposes to build a bootable install disk and make it look as nice as possible. It’s the easiest way to build an OS X Installer in a few clicks! Then you can use the Install drive to fully re-install the OS on a freshly formated drive, or install it on your many Macs without re-downloading the full installer.

DiskMaker X 는 맥 OSX 운영체제의 설치파일을 USB에 담아주고 부팅까지 하도록 쉽게 만들어 주는 응용 프로그램입니다.

맥 OSX를 클린 설치 시 매우 유용합니다.

다운로드: http://diskmakerx.com

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