블로그에 프린트 버튼 추가하기 (Add Print Friendly Button)

How To Add a Print Friendly Button to your Blogger blog

블로그에 프린트 버튼 추가하기

템플릿 > html 편집에서

Ctrl+F 키를 누르고 <div class='post-footer'>를 찾습니다.

그리고, http://www.printfriendly.com/button 에서 코드를 생성합니다.

코드를 <div class='post-footer'> 아래에 붙여 줍니다.


Log into Blogger and select the blog you want to add the printer friendly button to.
From the Blogger dashboard go to Layout > Edit HTML
Tick the Expand Widget Templates checkbox.
Using CTRL + F find the following code:
<div class='post-footer'>
Open a new browser window go to the PrintFriendly website
At Step 1 go ahead and select the radio button for Blogger to choose your site type

At Step 2 select the radio button for the print friendly button that you wish to use on your Blogger blog

Copy the code snippet for your chosen button
Then go back to your open Blogger window and find the code you identified in Step 4 of these instructions.
Paste the code directly after the <div class='post-footer'> tag
Save your template
Click View Blog to see your PrintFriendly button beneath each post.
